Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Back after 3 months, what happened to the monthly blog that i have mentioned in my previous blogpost... but ok update! Currently am going through the common test week but i am too lazy to study tonight so i've decided to update this space that is probably just meant for me.

After being blonde for 2 months, i kinda got bored of my hair color so i dyed my hair. Ta-da and this is the outcome. I SCREWED UP MY HAIR. LOL. So my hair consist of my black roots, choco brown, blonde and the bottom is like(??? i have totally no idea how to describe this). Life goes on.
I went back to school with this hair and looking back my hair was a real disaster man. Cheers to year 2!! kidding but a year in Poly have gone by just like this?! Not much happenings in the month of April because it's all about school, trying to get used to the school life after 7 weeks of holiday. 

Celebrated Qin's birthday and may we be as pure as ever.

This month is quite sian because we had quite a number of projects. Meh. Like, we have 4 modules that are examinable yet we still have so many projects that we have to do? Me and the girls went to Tulipmania at Gardens by The Bay for a project and guess what... This is just a pass/fail module but we are putting in so much effort for this. You can easily pass this module by attending the lecture (actually no you don't even have to be there just find someone that is kind enough to help you to tap & sign your attendance) and some class assignments. Minimum effort needed for the project lor. 

I really really love flowers and nature. When i entered i started taking photos of the flowers whereby my girls started to snapchat me because i was so excited at that point of time. T'was a great day with the girls because we did so many silly things which made me LOL, like really laughing out loud.

The girls celebrated my 18th birthday.
P.S. missing Yiping because she wasn't in school that day.

Caught up with Ern Ting after months. Back then she was my table buddy and then that's how and when our friendship begins. Ok maybe not i knew her during the Koref camp back in sec 2 but when she was my table buddy that's when the real friendship begins. All the handwritten notes, post-it notes, and it's kinda funny because she was the vice-president in school while i am the girl that get caught during attire checks, my earring being confiscated because it was too big, scolded by teachers because i was too talkative in class. Sometimes, differences ain't a bad thing ;)

Ok so a day before my actual birthday i went to river safari to see Kai Kai and Jia Jia. My first time visiting and my many years heading to that area. The last time i was there when i was about 8? Which was like about 10 years back. Honestly, river safari was quite meh :(

Here comes the story during my actual 18TH BIRTHDAY. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling nausea so i went to the toilet. Guess what, i vomited thrice. ON MY BIRTHDAY. I WAS SUPPOSED TO CELEBRATE MY BIRTHDAY WITH VIP AND THE REST. i guess it was the 4 fingers i ate on Thursday because Qin had it together with me and she got food poisoning the next day. my body's reaction is like... damn slow? i only got the food poisoning 3 days later. so i spent my 18th birthday at home. but thankful for the friends that came over and took care of me.

Didn't attend school for close to a week because my food poisoning was quite bad. I was vomiting everyday and i didn't eat for like 4 days. Then, i received my first ever warning letter from the school because of my attendance. HELLO SCHOOL IT'S NOT THAT I DO NOT WANT TO ATTEND I WAS SICK. Not like i didn't make the effort to head to school. I went back to school on Tuesday because Yiping baked a whole cake for me?!?! of course i want to eat because it's baked specially by her!! my body kinda act up again and i was feeling nausea the whole time sobs but it was worth it because how could you not appreciate someone's effort.

Thank you all for the gifts and the handwritten cards :')
Yup that marks my 18th birthday so thank you all for the wishes, gifts and cards!! i had a very memorable(?) 18th.

Been shopping too much lately but i gave myself an excuse just because it's the GSS month. The thing is whatever that i like are not on sale. Still, i just had to spend money because... itchy hands. i can hear my bank crying because i spent over $300 on clothes. Anyway, homegirl dyed her hair back to black but have no feel for selfies so i will update when i take some photos next time. It's the common week and it's the last week of June. How did we went by half of 2016 just like this?! For now, 2 more papers to go and by the time i am back in this space i will probably be preparing for my finals or maybe it will be the long holiday. 8-9weeks till the long holiday yay i can't wait!!

Day 180/366

Friday, March 25, 2016


hello world,
let me update the past 1/4 of 2016 although it wasn't that happening. Decided to keep a record of all the happenings so that in the future when i read back my blogpost at least i'll know the key things that happened during that year. So... hopefully a blogpost every month i'll try my very best!!

Started the year with my vip (Jia) counting down at MBS and hell oh hell it was so crowded and chaotic but the fireworks and the presence of my vip totally make it up for all the things that i was complaining about. At least getting back home wasn't that bad, but squeezing through the crowd was terrible. Will definitely get tickets for countdown this year instead! Initially i thought squeezing through the crowd will be over but no, 2 weeks later i went to JB and the amount of people who are queuing to get to the checkpoint was... insane so i grabcar over and guess what... the amount of people at the checkpoint is even... terrifying. It took me 2hr 30mins to get out, and 1hr 30mins to get back to sg. It's okay this incident probably raised my tolerance level up by 1%.

As for school, projects projects and more projects and they all decided to come altogether lol nice one. I had 5 projects to finish up with limited time given, and Common Tests. Y'know the moment when you submit one project? Like a tiny stone have been lifted off the shoulders. and wait till you submit the very last project. That moment is glorious i tell you. You spread out your hands and you feel like you can fly because freedom... nah it's just bcos you don't have to fight against the deadline!!

It's the month where i decided to dye my hair blonde. It was supposed to be silver but i decided to leave my hair blonde for a few months until i'm sick of it then i'll switch it up to another color. Bad decision to have blonde hair because the attention given by people around me and the strangers is too damn high. It's so easy for people to describe you, like "that blonde hair girl" in that school. Not forgetting that if you offend someone and they'll be like, "i'll remember you, blonde hair bitch". It's too easy to be recognised. Whenever i am meeting my friends, the first thing they spotted about me was my hair. Good thing for you if you're short and scared that you'll lose your way. Ok kidding but unless you yearn for some attention then go ahead it's a good color for you! Did i forget to mention that people treat you poorly as well? I got pushed when i'm outside and treated awfully because my hair color is associated with ah lian (Bad fashion sense, distasteful female who speaks bad english, is lowly educated, crude, loud, foul mouthed) Seriously?! Hair color, tattoos or any physical appearance does not truly define someone. Oh yes it's pretty hard to dress in colors with blonde hair so go blonde only if you are willing to compromise!

Also, i have been suffering from bad acne and acne scars. If you know me back then, my face was clear but now i absolutely hate taking photos and looking myself in the mirror. I just can't bring myself to do so. I became so self-conscious especially when people try to look me in the eye, i kind of avoided their eye contact lol. Confidence level is really damn low. To all who are facing the same situation, *hugs*.
                                             that's me with healthy black hair and clear skin

By the end of this month i've ended my year 1!!! Yay!! or maybe nay... Spent my valentine's day and leap day with my bff whom i've known for 8 years (& counting) eating bingsu. Honestly i've no idea how much i've spent on bingsu already but it's definitely 2 digits $$. Yeah, you called it the expensive ice kachang but it's my comfort food (& ice cream hehe).

                                              this girl went out to me and decided to sleep...

Highlight of the month would be my brother's graduation as a sergeant, bangkok trip and quality time with mama chua. I wanted to do so much during this holiday but what i'm doing almost everyday is simply just stay home and be a bookworm. Unknowingly spent 1.5k ok la not really unknowingly but i only can remember what i spent on was bkk trip, 3 armani watches, food and lots of bingsu. perhaps some online shopping too. AND I AM JOBLESS. income: $0, outgoing: free flow.

I'll let the photos do rest of the talking


Bkk trip

//Chatuchak Weekend Market//

//B L A C K//

//Railway track nearby hotel//

//After You cafe//

//Street food//

//Thai iced milk tea//

//Mango icy + sticky rice//

Honestly i didn't take a lot of photos during this trip as you can see... I snapchatted and saved it but just didn't take photos whoops it's okay #livingthemoment.

Hope to travel solo in the future and go for graduation trip (2 years ltr) and lots of travelling in between!! That's only if my wallet agrees on it... 


Let just take some moment to admire my pretty mom!! Pretty much spend our day together outside whenever she's on leave and whenever we go out the shopaholic in us was released. We need to control our spending... 

Pretty contented with my life so far and that's all for today.

already into 85/366 of 2016